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Magic Woman
Sliver Moon

The best way to predict your future is to create it!

Small Moon

Your future awaits...


Who is the Mad Medium?

Born with intense empathic abilities and extraordinary intuitive awareness, Tammy always had a strong interest in the metaphysical world, the paranormal, and psychology.  She studied, among other things, the psychology of religion and spirituality, the tarot and other forms of divination, the Kabbalah, and astrology.  In 2011 she opened Tammy the Tarotist (now A Mad Medium), which quickly became an award winning business, and in no time at all Tammy became one of the most trusted and sought after tarot readers in the industry!

14 year anniversary
Mystical Lady

A personal tarot card reading that covers  the past, present, and future, what is hidden from you, the way forward, career, relationships, and more with no time restrictions.


A powerful reading that can give you insight that can pull you out of a negative cycle or a period of stagnation and put you on an incredible path toward happiness and satisfaction!  No time restrictions!

Potion Bottle

If you are in a relationship this reading can uncover the truth, reveal issues or problems and show you the way forward.  If you are single this reading can help you in your search for love and healthy relationships! No time restrictions!​

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Rachel R. 

"I have never experienced anything like this! Amazing and so very accurate it was unbelievable!  I am bringing all my friends..."​
Moon Arc

Cleansings & Blessings

Are you carrying around negative, heavy, or repressed energy? Do you need to cleanse yourself, a specific object, or your home of such energy? Let Tammy help you with a personalized in-depth cleansing and blessing. She will work with you to find the perfect cleansing and blessing ritual for you and will guide you through the process so you can perform it on your own. The price for these services depends on several factors.   

Request a quote!

First Time?

Get a free cleansing with your first reading!

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